General information

Registration number: 0063
Recorded: E Crane+RM Duruz, 1953; D Loney, 2013
Date constructed: 1660s?
Century constructed: 1601-1700
Evidence proof date: N/A
Evidence proof use: N/A
Listed building grade: II
Condition: Fair


Address: Eldroth Hall, Eldroth Road, Lawkland
Village or town: Lawkland
County: Yorkshire, North
Traditional (pre-1974) county: Yorkshire: North Riding
Region: England


Grid reference: SD7640165390
Publicly accessible: Private
Location on premises: Orchard
Direction faced: SSW

Structure information

Structure: B: Bee bole(s)
External recesses: 8
Internal recesses: N/A
Compartments: N/A
Flight holes: N/A
Front shape: Rectangle
Back shape: Flat
Recess size: 18-22 x 18-19 x 18-24
House building shape: N/A
External structure: N/A
Distance apart: 16ft, 8ft 7 in, 76ft
Rows: Unknown
Shelves: Unknown
Height bases shelves: 20 (one 24)
Wall material: Stone (lime)
Base shelf material: Unknown
Lintel material: Unknown
Roof material: Unknown

Pictography information

Photographer: E Crane
Date of photograph: 1953
Pictures available: G+: Digital and other types


1953: 8 recesses of which 5 are blocked up, in orchard/field wall; barn 1662; cupboard in house 1668; 2013: part of wall may have been rebuilt and 4 boles remain, 2 of which have arched lintels; all project 3-5 in.; backs of 2 are insecure and may have been repaired; there were 2 more bee boles nearby (0062), now gone