General information

Registration number: 0254
Recorded: Mr Wildman, 1956; FR Alston, 1985; [NMR]
Date constructed: 1700s?
Century constructed: 1701-1800
Evidence proof date: N/A
Evidence proof use: N/A
Listed building grade: II
Condition: Fair


Address: Blands, Wennington
Village or town: Unknown
County: Lancashire
Traditional (pre-1974) county: Lancashire
Region: England


Grid reference: SD625697
Publicly accessible: Private
Location on premises: Field/enclosure
Direction faced: not known

Structure information

Structure: B: Bee bole(s)
External recesses: 12
Internal recesses: N/A
Compartments: N/A
Flight holes: N/A
Front shape: Rectangle
Back shape: Rounded
Recess size: 42x36x?
House building shape: N/A
External structure: N/A
Distance apart: N/A
Rows: Unknown
Shelves: Unknown
Height bases shelves: Unknown
Wall material: Stone: Dry
Base shelf material: Unknown
Lintel material: Unknown
Roof material: Unknown

Pictography information

Photographer: not known
Date of photograph: 1990s?
Pictures available: BCT: Photo(s) (B/W & colour) & transparency(ies)


bee boles? In retaining wall of garden; curved tops project and each has I-in. hole; 7 remained in 1985 (rest of wall had collapsed); NMR record suggest date is early 1800s